2017 Summer Fest of Activities

It was a busy summer for the FCA Ottawa Chapter as we wrapped up the 12th Annual FCA Ottawa Ferrari Festival we jumped right into what are becoming popular events of our club. The Annual Summer BBQ hosted by Angelo & Marianne Saladini was once again a big success, over 40 people attended what was a fun, sun-soaked afternoon. Great to see so many Ferrari’s out and thanks to Joe & Donna Panuccio for bringing a very cool, red, recently restored Corvette! As always our gracious hosts Angelo and Marianne created a fantastic day with food, beverages, tents and providing a welcoming event that we are all looking forward to next year. The Polo in the Park is a new event that was presented to the club by Joe Chouinard and Kathy Kealy, it is a fundraiser for aboriginal women’s programs and is fast becoming the social event in Ottawa. We were provided with 2 complimentary tables by Joe & Kathy. The site of seeing 10 Ferrari’s staged close to the action of the Polo Matches was a real treat for our members and the many people who came out to support the event. The hat contest was a real nail biter as many of our lady members entered, congrats go out to our very own Kathy Kealy who took home 1st Prize! The Ladies Paint night at Da Santino’s is growing in popularity with our members, this is the 3rd Paint night, and we wanted to thank Marsha Storry for organizing the event over the past 2 years. It has helped bring our club closer together and is one of the big reasons why our participation numbers for our other events is growing. It begins with a nice meal and as the ladies retire to the “paint room” the Boys have an opportunity to have a few more beverages, talk about all things Ferrari and beyond and then we are rewarded with masterpieces of art! As we close out the summer we are now in the planning stages for our Winter Social dinner and of course the ever - popular AGM Dinner …. Ok maybe not “popular”, but we are getting better participation

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