Dow’s Lake

Concorso d’Eleganza

Concorso Registration

Concorso participants who wish to register in the Ferrari class click here to register!

Entries for all other Italian vehicle makes can be made below.

The marque specific and Tutti Marca Italiani Concorso are part of the Dow’s Lake Concorso d’Eleganza. Prior to choosing a Concorso package, please familiarize yourself with the details as presented on our Concorso Page.


Ready to register for the Concorso? Please follow the steps shown below.

Note: To compete the registration (even for the $0 display-only entry) you must complete step 4 and checkout.

Step 1 - Sign Your Waiver

Click here to open the waiver window. Please follow the waiver instructions as you may need to go through additional confirmations if you have a minor with you. On the last page, please fill out the form and select “Agree to this Document”. Once successfully completed you can close that window and return to this one to continue with the Concorso Registration at Step 2 below.

Please note: all Concorso participants must sign the waiver, both driver and passenger(s).

Step 2a - Dow's Lake Concorso d'Eleganza Entry

Note: Concorso participants who wish to register in the Ferrari class click here to register!

Note: Cars participating in the Concorso are not allowed to display “unauthorized” windshield banners. Please remove any windshield banners not provided by the FCA Ottawa Ferrari Festival before entering the Concorso show field.

from CA$0.00

You may choose to have your Italian vehicle judged or display-only.

All vehicles registered for the Concorso (judged and display-only) must be on the show field before 8:45am and remain on site until 2:30pm. For safety reasons there will be no in and out privileges.

If you do not choose either then your vehicle will not be parked in the Concorso area during the day Friday.

Display-only entry is free but must be pre-registered to allow preparation for vehicle staging.

Concorso judged entry includes one lunch.

Whether you choose judged or display-only you have the option below to purchase additional Concorso lunches.

Concorso Package (one lunch): Judged Entry $150

Concorso Package (no lunch): Display-only $0

Once you have clicked “Add To Cart”, you will be asked to fill out a Concorso registration form after which you will return to this page.

Step 2b (Optional) - Extra Concorso Lunch Tickets


One Friday Concorso lunch is included with each Concorso Judged entry. If you don’t need additional tickets for Friday noon lunch, skip this step.

However, if you would like to invite additional guests to join you for Friday noon lunch or are entered as display-only and wish to purchase lunch, select the desired number of additional tickets and click “Add to Cart” below.

Step 3 (Optional) - Saturday Night Festival and Concorso Awards Dinner

Note: All awards will be presented at the Saturday Night Festival and Concorso Awards Dinner. Note: Concorso participants who are not registered for the Ferrari Festival may purchase tickets for the Saturday Night Awards Dinner below.


Saturday, June 15, 2024 6pm - 11pm

Preston Event Centre (Formerly St. Anthony’s Banquet Hall)

523 St. Anthony Street, Ottawa

17th Ferrari Festival Dinner and Concorso d‘Eleganza Awards Presentation - Casual dining.

Theme is Starry Night of Ferrari - wear your casual black or white Ferrari wear.

6:00 to 6:30 Receive a complimentary glass of Prosecco sponsored by Hagerty.

5 course meal.

2 bottles of wine per table sponsored by International Painters and Allied Trades Union.

Concorso d’Eleganza awards will be presented during the meal.

The Meal will be followed by silent and live auctions.

Tickets must be purchased in advance, limited tickets available.

Step 4 - Checkout

You will need to complete the check out to complete your registration, even if you chose a free event. Click “CHECKOUT” below where you will be able to complete your registration and securely pay any fees, if applicable, using a credit card.

Once your payment is processed, you will receive an email confirming your registration.